
Read Indivisible States

There are huge opportunities to resist Trump and provide a progressive vision for the country through state-level advocacy. Many of the same principles when advocating for federal change apply at the state level. With the big gains last November, we have a lot more opportunities to accomplish proactive policy wins. Check out the Indivisible States Guide from the Indivisible National team!

Read our CA Leg Guide

The California state legislature has lots of its own intricacies, from defined legislative deadlines to gut-and-amend bills to the mysterious Appropriations suspense file. It’s complicated so we’ve tried our demystify the process of how a bill becomes a law in California. Arm yourself with the wonky details, learn how to make your activism strategic, and then let’s get to work to make California a progressive leader!

Find Out Who Represents You!

Use our look up tool to find out who your state Assemblymember and Senator are!

Find Out if Your Legislators Have Courage!

Read about the one-of-a-kind legislative scorecard that tells the people of California how well their state legislators are representing their interests!

Learn How to Research a Bill in Leginfo

The California state legislature’s website can be difficult to understand and navigate if you’ve never used it before. Check out our guide to learn how to use the state legislature’s website to research bills!

Learn How To Submit a Letter to a Committee

The California legislature is using a new online portal to accept support/ opposition letters about bills. Check out our tutorial to learn how to create an account and submit letters using the new portal!

Get Everything You Need for an Office Visit

Paying your legislator a visit to discuss upcoming legislation is a critical piece of effective state advocacy. We’ve got all the materials you need!

Learn About Our Priority Bills

Check out the bills section on our website to learn more about our priority bills and get call scripts to take action!

Indivisible Group Leader Hub

Stop by our hub of resources for Indivisible group leaders!

Past Priority Bills

What bills have we supported in past legislative sessions? Check our our library archives of past bills!